Hello, thank for stopping by and taking the time to look through my work. 

Animation has always fascinated me. The magic of it; making drawings move, act, think and show emotion. Having an audience, knowing that these are drawings, be moved by a story, a character, a scene or a shot of animation. Animation calls upon the artist like no other art form to be a student not just of movement or acting or even drawing but a student of life. One who studies and appreciates life on a very intimate level. From the shape of a leaf to the subtleties and nuances of human emotions and motivations, animation invites the artist to take note of all these aspects of life so that he or she may express it in their work. 

My training at the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) under some excellent teachers and mentors equipped me with the tools to be able to be such a student of life and an artist who expresses themselves using this beautiful art form. Since graduation I’ve worked on expanding my skillset from 2D traditional animation to storyboarding, visual development and character design. These skills have enabled me to take on a variety of projects both professionally and personally. I hope to further these skills working within a high level production environment and team that I can learn from and continue to grow in as an artist.